Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Well thats it! I finally made it home and settled back in. The flight back was kind of crazy. After a 10 hour flight from Moscow to New York, I was told that my 7PM connection flight to DC had been cancelled. Considering that I am pretty new to traveling abroad, this was TERRIBLE news. Luckily, there was an employee who was kind enough to help direct me to the proper terminal and kiosk. Unfortunately, the next flight available was the next day at 7PM. This meant that I would probably have to stay in the airport for the evening because I did not have a cell phone and the wireless internet in JFK didn't work. I found some change and was able to call home and talk to my dad. He managed to  make some phone calls for me, finding a hotel and making a flight change to an earlier connection at 3:30PM. He obviously is some sort of miracle worker and having a bed made the time in New York significantly better.

The next day, the flight to DC went smoothly and I met my father at the airport and drove the rest of the way home.

In conclusion, this trip has been incredible. I've seen things that few people on the continent will ever be able to see. I've met people that I never would have otherwise. I've had my eyes opened to some profound cultural insights and differences. I also have caught the international travel bug. Hopefully, I will have the opportunity to see many other places, maybe in Russia again but maybe elsewhere on the globe. I hope you have enjoyed my blog. I have certainly enjoyed writing it and thank you for showing interest!


1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! (On making it home!)

    I've enjoyed catching up on your blog, your trip sounds as exciting as mine was. I'm glad it was so profound. At your age, I was traveling around this country, it wasn't until 2007 that I ever left the country (well, continent, I'd been to Mexico a couple times, and rode through a piece of Canada).

    Isn't it amazing what you learn when you get out of the comfort zone of your own language, your own culture?

    Glad it went so well, even with the flight SNAFU!

